
Parking decals can be obtained at the Parking Services Office, located in the Welcome Center, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. 

    • Two decals must be affixed to the vehicle, one on the front driver's side and one on the rear driver's side. Motorcycles may use one decal. Please affix it on the front of the vehicle.
    • Old decals must be removed before new decals are put on the vehicle. Parking Services can help remove the old decals.
    • Decals remain the property of Berry College.
    • In the event of borrowing a relative's car, driving a rental car, etc., Temporary Parking Permits are available. These permits can be used for a maximum of two weeks, and are also available at the Welcome Center.
    • The college honors all state issued handicap permits and temporary medical requests from Berry Health Services or from a licensed physician. Temporary medical parking permits can be issued with a note from a licensed physician or Berry Health Services. Temporary medical parking permits allow you to park in Faculty/Staff spaces, but not handicapped spaces.
    • For more information please see the traffic code policy

Berry College Visitors:
If you are a visitor who frequents our campus,Guest decals can also be obtained from The Welcome Center, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Guest decals are active for a full calendar year, and will open the gates from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. every day of the week. Guest decals are $25 each (card and check only).
For more information about this please see the Visitor Traffic Code Policy 