Registrar's Office

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for all aspects of student registration and records maintenance.

Students can now view the following on  VikingWeb:

  • calendars 
  • registration schedule 
  • course schedule. 
  • Procedural information regarding advising  
  • Procedural information regarding graduation
  • Transcript request

Final Exam Schedule Information

To view the final exam schedule:

  1. Log into VikingWeb 
  2. Click on Berry Community 
  3. Click on Registrar’s Office (over on the right hand side of the screen)
  4. Scroll down the page to view final exam schedule under Registrar Documents. 

Other various forms are available on VikingWeb. The printable forms include the General Education checklist, Enrollment Verification request, Change of Address, Change of Name, Transient Study Permission, Disclosure Prevention, Request for an Incomplete Grade and Substitution.   

For any student thinking of going transient, the page on how to apply for transient permission including the information required as well as the process and time to generate the appropriate letter is must reading. 

Information regarding HOPE and how HOPE hours are calculated can be found within our HOPE FAQ. 

Contact Information

Phone: 706-236-2282 
PO Box 490400 
Mount Berry, GA 30149 
Hours: M-F 8-5

Undergraduate Majors Listing with CIP