Parking and Traffic

With several thousand students, alumni and guests expected to attend Mountain Day, parking will be in short supply. Attendees are encouraged to allow extra time to travel between main campus and the mountain campus due to the anticipated large crowds. Carpooling is also advised as groups travel to mountain campus or attend events held around the Ford Complex, Krannert Center or Cage Center.


All campus roads will be open on Saturday morning. Traffic arriving at Mountain Campus will be directed to park in designated areas. Shuttles will run constantly from the parking areas to the picnic site.

  • Frost Chapel Parking Lot and Lawn
  • WinShape Foundation Fields

Additionally, there will be a limited number of handicap parking spots located near the WinShape Hub, with golf cart shuttle services offered to the picnic site. Campus Safety will direct vehicles to these locations and additional areas if needed.

As traffic leaves Mountain Campus after the Grand March, some campus roads may be closed around the Krannert Center and Evans Hall to accommodate pedestrian traffic.

For students who do not have access to transportation, a shuttle will be offered from Main Campus to Mountain Campus prior to and following the picnic. Use of the shuttle is limited to students only, and students should sign up for a spot the week of Mountain Day at the Campus Information Desk.

For Friendship and Pilgrim residents, guests are encouraged to arrive early and park next to the residence halls or as close as possible. Once the Grand March and Picnic are done, traffic will flow in one direction and guests of Mountain Campus residence halls will not be able to relocate cars closer to Pilgrim and Friendship until all remaining traffic has cleared the area.


The Alumni Office is hosting several different reunion events on Saturday on Main Campus and Mountain Campus. Recommended parking areas are listed below for the respective events.

  • College Class Reunion Brunch at the WinShape Gym, WinShape: Reunion Class parking adjacent to WinShape Center, etc. 
  • Milestone Tailgate Reception at Oak Hill: Parking is available at the Cage Center and complimentary shuttle will be offered to Oak Hill and back to main campus.  
  • Affinity Group Reunions on Main Campus: Several groups are hosting reunions or meetings on Saturday afternoon in Krannert or academic buildings. Attendees should park in the lots behind Krannert, the Cage Center or Evans Hall.


For those attending athletic events around the Cage Center, parking is available in the Cage Center, Krannert Center, and Evans Hall parking lots but be advised that it may be limited due to the number of events taking in this area as well as construction.

For those attending athletic reunion events around the Ford Complex, parking is available in the East Mary lower lot and Ford Auditorium lots but be advised that it will be limited due to the number of events taking place around the Ford Complex mid-afternoon as well as on-campus residential parking. Carpooling is encouraged or attendees may elect to walk from the Hermann Hall or Krannert Center parking lots.

Marthapalooza PARKING 

With the number of events scheduled on Saturday afternoon as well as on-campus residential parking, available spots may be limited around the event. For Marthapalooza Family Hour, attendees may park at Hermann Hall or behind McAllister. For the late evening event, students are encouraged to walk to the event. Parking will be available behind Hermann Hall, behind McAllister and around Clara Bowl. 

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