Nest Cam Information


Berry is excited to provide live video feeds of the bald eagle nest. Georgia Power once again donated the use of a truck and manpower this year to install two new cameras. Both nest cameras are Axis model Q1765-LE.

Although these cameras are high definition, in order to stream video content across the web there will be some reduction in resolution. We monitor the cameras and streaming account closely and will make adjustments to enhance your experience quickly and to the extent that we can. A third camera, the approach camera, is situated on a pole across from the nest tree.

If you are having trouble connecting, it may be from one of three common reasons:

  1. You need to update your Flash player at
  2. You need to update your video drivers - If this is the case, you usually see a white blank area and no video player.
  3. Your company blocks streaming or Livestream through their network firewall - This is very common. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The nest cams has been installed in an area which is "off limits" during nesting season. If something happens to the camera (picture shift, damage, blackout, eagle attack,) then repairs will not be made until after the eagles have left the nest.