Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Report IACUC Concern

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Berry College is committed to the humane care and use of animals in all activities related to research and teaching. Thus, Berry College has adopted, on an institution-wide basis, the principles regarding animal care as stated in the Animal Welfare Act (PL 89-544 and amendments), the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (published by the National Research Council), and the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Agricultural Research and Teaching (published by the Federation of Animal Science Societies). In order to accomplish the objectives inherent in these regulations and principles, Berry College established the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

All research, or educational activities that involve the use of vertebrate animals must undergo IACUC review and receive written approval prior to initiation.  The IACUC is authorized to approve, withhold approval, request modifications to submitted requests, as well as suspend previously approved animal research and teaching projects. In addition to reviewing individual research projects, the IACUC also carries out other federally-mandated functions such as reviewing and reporting on the overall animal program; inspecting and evaluating all of the animal facilities, at least once every six months; reviewing and investigating concerns involving the care and use of animals at the institution; and making recommendations to the provost regarding any aspect of the research, animal related program, facilities, or personnel training.

Please contact if you have any questions related to the Berry College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). 



The IACUC shall consist of at least five members. Membership shall include at least 1) the chair, 2) College Veterinarian, 3) faculty member that works with animals, 4) non-science faculty member, and 5) external community member.  Members are appointed by the Provost for a three-year term and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Provost. Additional appointments including ex-officio members may be appointed at the discretion of the Provost.


The IACUC typically schedules tentative meetings for the first Tuesday of the month.  Special meetings may be called as deemed necessary for the performance of IACUC responsibilities. A simple majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. 

Review of Protocols

Completion of the Protocol Review form that includes electronic signatures of the Principle Investigator (PI),  College Veterinarian, Department Chair, and Dean of the respective school are required prior to submission. In addition, a copy of the Certificate of Completion of the CITI – Animal Care and Use Training Module - Working with the IACUC, must also be submitted with the completed Protocol Review Form.  The Dean is responsible for submitting the Protocol Review form, CITI Training Certificate, and any other attachments to  An IACUC submission check list is available to assist in clarifying the process.

The IACUC is authorized to approve, withhold approval, or request modifications to requested new animal research or teaching projects, as well as suspend previously approved animal research and teaching projects. The PI will receive written notification from the IACUC Chair concerning the status of a submitted protocol.

Approved Research Projects

Animal research protocols can be approved for up to a three-year term.  At the end of the third year of a protocol, the PI must resubmit a new Protocol Review form and proof of training for that project. 

Modifications or Amendments to Approved Protocols 

Any modifications to an approved protocol, must be approved by the IACUC prior to initiating any changes in the original approved protocol. A Protocol Modification form must be submitted to the IACUC ( and will be subject to the IACUC review process. The PI will receive written notification from the Chair concerning the status of modification request.

Animal Facility Inspections 

The IACUC is responsible for other federally-mandated functions such as inspecting and evaluating all of the animal facilities, at least once every six months. Any deficiencies noted in an animal facility must be addressed within specified time-frame following receiving written notification from the IACUC.

Animal Care Concerns

The IACUC is responsible for investigating any concerns involving the care and use of animals at the institution; and making recommendations to the provost regarding any aspect of the research, animal program, facilities, or personnel training. Concerns related to the welfare of animals can be reported unanimously directly to the IACUC clicking the "Report IACUC Concern' button at the top of this page.


Before initiating research projects that involve animals, all researchers (faculty, staff, students, or external investigators) must complete research compliance training.  To facilitate this policy, Berry College subscribes to the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) at the University of Miami.  CITI provides a uniform course of instruction regarding human subjects research, research involving animals, the responsible conduct of research, and biosafety concerns.  CITI training is effective for a period of three years, after which training must be renewed prior to the conduct of additional research. 

To register for the program, complete training, or confirm completion of modules; access the link

  • At the Select your institution or organization page, scroll down to the category All Others
  • select Berry College, then click the SUBMIT button.
  • At the Select Your Username and Password page, enter the requested information according to the instructions and click the Submit button.
  • At the CITI Registration Page, complete the form as instructed and when finished, click the Submit Information button.  

Note: If you are Berry College faculty/staff, please enter your employee I.D. number in the Employee Number space; if you are a student; enter your student I.D. number.  



IACUC Protocol Review Form

IACUC Protocol Modification Form

IACUC Checklist