Faculty Research

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides extensive support to Berry College principal investigators seeking external funding for research and creative scholarship.  All proposals for external funding (grants, subawards, contracts) must be routed through the Office. The staff works closely with researchers at both the pre- and post-award stages to ensure a seamless operation.

In addition, we strive to maximize the competitiveness of proposals, minimize the administrative impact of grant-seeking and grant-managing on principal investigators, and ensure compliance with institutional, state, federal and sponsor regulations.

For internal funding, please go to the Center for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development.

External Funding Resources

Grant Management Forms

Intent to Submit an External Proposal
Time and Effort Reporting
Education Land Management Application

Institutional Information for Grants

Applicant Name: Berry College, Inc.
Applicant Organization Address
c/o Office of Research and Sponsored Programs 
P.O. Box 495006
Mount Berry, GA 30149-5006
Authorized Institutional Representative: 
Stephen R. Briggs, President
Institution Financial Officer: Brian Erb, Vice President for Finance
Fringe Benefit Rate: 35%; 9% summer
Indirect Cost Rate: 26.8% on campus; 16.2% off campus (based on MTDC)
Federal Identification Number: 58-0566133 
State Identification Number: 057-79-00880-2
UEI Number: UN5NJ4HGQF36
Institution Code (NSF): PRIV
U.S. Congressional District: GA-014
Georgia Senate District: 52nd
Georgia Congressional District: 13th
IRB Federal-Wide Assurance: 00017998