About US


The CTEFD provides leadership and vision in the areas of pedagogy, educational technology, and scholarship. We promote the highest standards of teaching and scholarship in support of Berry’s vision and mission. 


We work with faculty at all levels, across all departments on campus. We value transparency and strive to align our offerings with the needs of our community. Our doors and inboxes are always open for ideas and feedback. 

Our Promise 

Conversations with faculty remain confidential, unless we are explicitly granted permission to shareThe role of the center is to support faculty in thinking about their teaching and their students' learning. The CTEFD is never involved in evaluations related to tenure, promotion, or hiring/re-hiring. 

Center Staff



Eliana Hirano

Phone: 706.290.2641
Location: Cook 255
Email: EHIRANO@berry.edu

Eliana Hirano, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development. She is also the Director of the minor in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and an Associate Professor of Teacher Education. Her scholarly work is in the fields of applied linguistics and TESOL. She is interested in developing and strengthening communities of practice that support Berry faculty members’ sense of belonging, especially those from marginalized backgrounds. Some of the efforts she is committed to include formal mentoring for new faculty, book clubs, and peer classroom observations. 


Dean of undergraduate experiences

Dr. Casey Dexter

Phone: 706.236.2229
Location: Hermann Hall 242
Email: cdexter@berry.edu

Casey Dexter, Ph.D., is the Interim Dean of Academic Services and an Associate Professor of Psychology. In addition to his scholarly work in developmental psychology, Dr. Dexter has broad interests in scholarship related to the efficacy of faculty learning communities/communities of practice as mechanisms for elevating teaching practices. Dr. Dexter is currently investigating the effect of coursework in diversity, equity, and inclusion on inclusive teaching practices.

Instructional Technologist 

Jeremy Worsham

Phone: 706.368.6707
Location: Cook 217
Email: jworsham@berry.edu

Jeremy Worsham, M.A. is the Instructional Design and Technology Librarian in Memorial Library. Jeremy partners with Berry faculty, staff, and students on instructional design projects. 

Advisory Committee

The advisory committee is a Faculty Assembly elected service group comprised of 8 at-large representatives who make recommendations and provide oversight for CTEFD curriculum.