Nick Norwood


Nick Norwood has published four full volumes of poetry, Eagle & Phenix, Gravel and Hawk, A Palace for the Heart, and The Soft Blare, as well as the limited edition, fine press books Wrestle (2007) and Text (2016), which he produced in collaboration with the artist Erika Adams. His poems have appeared in many journals, online sites, and broadcasts such as The Paris Review, Shenandoah, The Wallace Stevens Journal, Poetry Daily, the PBS News Hour blog Art Beat, and NPR’s Writer’s Almanac with Garrison Keillor. He has received an International Merit Award in Poetry from Atlanta Review and both the Walter E. Dakin Fellowship and the Tennessee Williams Scholarship from the Sewanee Writers Conference. He has also been the sole poet representing the United States at the Euroscience Open Forum’s session “Science Meets Poetry” on three separate occasions. Nick Norwood is currently a professor of creative writing at Columbus State University. Read more about him at

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