News & Stories
February 14, 2018

Berry Music Professor Wins The American Prize in Piano

Berry College Associate Professor of Music Kris Carlisle has received a Special Judges' Citation from The American Prize in Piano, honoring him for his "Exceptional Commitment to Music by Americans."

The American Prize is a series of non-profit national competitions in the performing arts that recognize and reward the best performing artists, ensembles and composers in the United States based on submitted recordings. Carlisle was recognized for his album, "The American Evolution: Piano Preludes" which was recorded in the Berry College Ford Auditorium. 

"I am honored to be recognized for the work I do through this award,” Carlisle said. “It is truly a validation of my work and that of the composers I represent." 

The album was released in 2016 and received the Global Music Award, “Silver Medal”. Carlisle’s previous album, "The American Evolution: Piano Sonatas" received the American Prize in Piano Performance Special Judge's Citation in 2015.

Link to official announcement:

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Written by Public Relations Student Assistant Alisa Jordan

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