Submit A Request

Submit a Request

The first step in seeking accommodations is disclosing your disability. The process for doing this is outlined below and includes submitting documentation and meeting with an Office of Accessibility Resources staff member to engage in a meaningful conversation about accommodations and accessibility resources available at Berry College.

To receive accommodations for a documented difference or disability, the student must complete the following 3-step interactive process:

This will include basic information about the student and a brief description of the student’s difference or disability and requested accommodations.

If this is your first time requesting an accommodation, submit an intake form:

Submit A First-Time Request

If you have requested accommodations through our office before and need to request new or different accommodations, you need to submit a Supplemental Intake Form:

Submit A Supplemental Intake Form

Documentation must:

  • Clearly state the nature of the diagnosed disability or learning difference;
  • Be written and signed by a qualified professional, such as a health care provider, school psychologist or the educational system;
  • Be recent enough to speak to the student’s current needs;
  • Provide a list of recommended accommodations.

Recommendation letters from care providers will be reviewed, but generally are not sufficient to approve accommodation; therefore, we ask your care provider to complete these forms.

Academic Accommodations

If requesting academic accommodation, a psychoeducational evaluation or neuropsychological evaluation would be preferred. You are welcome to submit an IEP or 504 Plan to accompany an outdated evaluation. A Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for the Academic Setting is available if needed.

Please contact us if you have questions about the type of documentation that should be submitted by your care provider.

Dining Accommodations

If requesting dining accommodation, your care provider is welcome and encouraged to complete the Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for Requesting an Alteration to the Meal Plan to accompany your request. Allergy test results are not considered adequate documentation.

Housing Accommodations

If requesting housing accommodation, your care provider must complete the Reasonable Accommodation Verification Form for College Housing to accompany your request.

Upload Supporting Documents

The student-client’s self-report is a vital source of information in best understanding how we can support him or her. For that reason, accommodations will not be activated until the student-client has met with a member of our staff.

Incoming Students: If you will be attending SOAR, Viking Venture, or another event and would like to schedule a meeting during one of those events, please contact our office at A representative from our office will also be reaching out to students who complete the Intake Form to schedule a time to connect during one of the student's on-campus visits or to meet remotely ahead of the start of the semester.

Enrolled Students: Please visit this link to schedule a meeting. Please note, that students must use their single sign-on login to schedule an appointment.

Meet with us!

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