Study Smarter Workshops and Presentations

The ASC can provide customized presentations and Study Smarter Workshops for your class, staff, team, or campus organization.  These can range from how to manage time differently during your sport’s season to effective and efficient reading strategies to critical reading, writing, and thinking.  Whether you have a topic in mind or want to brainstorm with a member of our staff, contact us at with any questions you may have.  Presentations employ active learning strategies, so you can plan for your group to have fun, be engaged, and walk away with strategies they can implement immediately. All BCC 100 presentations will take place in the Commons.

Schedule a Study Smarter Workshop

Test Taking / Test Anxiety

Are your students having difficulty achieving satisfactory grades on tests? We can help! This Study Smarter session will help your students learn simple ways to study effectively, focusing on important information and highlighting key topics. After this workshop, your students will have a set of skills that will help them throughout the remainder of their collegiate career.
We also offer Study Smarter Workshops specifically for the multiple-choice and essay portions of tests. If your students are struggling on specific portions of exams, consider offering one of these two workshops as well!

How to Read Efficiently

If your students have reported difficulties in the past with understanding reading assignments and completing them in a timely manner, consider offering a Study Smarter Workshop during the first five or ten minutes of class period, or for a few minutes after class time, during which student leaders from the Academic Success Center can speak to your students about how to finish reading assignments promptly and effectively.

Taking Useful Notes in Class

Do you feel your students are struggling with good note-taking strategies in your classes? Please consider offering a brief fifteen-minute Study Starter Workshop during or after class, where our dedicated Academic Success Center staff will offer helpful rules and strategies for effective note-taking during lectures and class-time!

How to Balance Social Life with Studying

Do you have a class filled with freshmen? Ensure that they are adequately prepared to balance all of their new responsibilities and thrive in their classes and in their personal lives with our Study Smarter session! In this session, we will present students with practical steps and easy-to-use materials that will help students assess and manage their time well. 

How to Take Smart Breaks

Most college students struggle to find the willpower to sit and study instead of hanging out with friends, binging Netflix, or scrolling through social media. In this Study Smarter session we help students find practical ways to stay focused and tackle assignments throughout the entire semester, while still leaving time for breaks to avoid exhaustion and fatigue. Please consider scheduling one of these Workshops if your students are stressing out over bad study habits!

Long-Term Memory / How to Avoid Cramming

Are your students doing well on tests but struggling to retain information from earlier in the semester? Consider utilizing one of our Study Smarter workshops to equip students with practical tools and solutions to tackle long-term studying in an effective manner. 

Studying for Quizzes

Whether you have pop quizzes or scheduled quizzes, this Study Smarter workshop will help your students prepare by teaching them how to read materials and identify important themes and topics to effectively prepare for any quiz that comes their way.

Studying for Midterms

During midterm season, consider taking ten or fifteen minutes of class time for a Study Smarter Workshop from our Academic Success Center staff! Student leaders can speak to your class about study skills and strategies for preparing for midterms, specifically tailored to your class and area of study. Also, consider inviting your students to an outside-of-class studying session offered by our staff!

Studying for Finals

In preparation for final exams, consider inviting the Academic Success Center student leaders to give a ten- or fifteen-minute talk to your classes to discuss the best strategies for preparing for finals. We will help your students learn the best ways to review material from earlier in the course, help them practice recalling old information, and provide them with general good test-taking strategies. 

Math / Foreign Language / Science / Social Studies / Humanities

Do you feel that some of your students are misunderstanding information or that their grades aren't where they should be, or do you just want to see improvement in your students? Contact the ASC and schedule a class period of us to come in and speak to your student for a brief time of fifteen minutes and let us communicate important study strategies specific to your subject.