Research Proposal Guidelines

Research Project Title

  • Note. Your title should reflect the variables of interest in your proposed project.


  • 250 words or one-paragraph
  •  Summary of the proposed research project (see Purdue Owl for APA 7th edition guidelines for writing an abstract and for examples) 

Research Proposal

  • no longer than 2000 words or four, double-spaced pages
  • Introduction to your topic
  • Background and rationale for your proposed study
    • Compose a brief history of work that has been done in the area that is pertinent to your project (cite at least 3-5 peer-reviewed sources).
  • Your literature review should provide motivation for your project. If you are using a new and different manipulation, predictor, or dependent variable, emphasize this in your review of earlier work. Indicate areas where the research may be lacking (gaps) or where there may be inconsistent findings across studies.
    • Present the rationale for the study – why is the project needed, what value will it add to the field over what is already known/been investigated?
    • State a clear, testable hypothesis the expresses a positive relationship between your variables.
  • Proposed method for investigating research question (participants; sample materials, design, procedure)
    • Indicate who your participants will be (e.g., Berry College students, Berry elementary students in grades 3- 5) and what sample size you will need. Note. You will want to work with your faculty mentor to conduct a power analysis to estimate sample size (where applicable).
    • Operationalize the variables of interest (IVs, DVs).
    • Describe the design of the study and provide an overview of the general procedure.
  • Expected results
    • State the expected outcomes in light of your literature review and stated hypothesis.
  • Conclusions
    • Provide potential implications of your findings for the field of psychology.
    • Mention your plans to disseminate the work beyond the Berry campus.
  • References
    • Cite sources used in literature review.
  • Appendices
    • Provide an itemized budget proposal (see template below).
    • Provide a detailed timeline for completing the project (year one and year two objectives). Include a projected date for IRB or IACUC approval (usually end of the fall semester of first year)
    • List key personnel in the project besides the applicant and mentor. Provide titles and contact information if possible. Indicate if you plan to have undergraduate psychology majors assist with data collection.
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