A Variety of Career Options
A major in economics is a wise investment. It will open the door to a wide range of fields such as business management, banking, investments, finance, public service and health care as well as pivotal roles such as data analytics manager, actuary, chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief operating officer. If you’re interested in law, economics and public policy, this major offers excellent preparation for graduate studies.
You’ll receive individual attention from faculty committed to teaching small classes. You’ll find opportunities for collaborative research and preparation of articles for peer-reviewed journals such as Eastern Economic Journal, Journal of Sports Economics and Public Finance Review.

Build business, entrepreneurial and transferable life skills by participating in student-operated businesses through Berry College Student Enterprises. Use off-campus experiences to strengthen your resume. Enroll in selective economics programs as well as internships in Washington, D.C., and with local law firms, banks and insurance agencies.
Economics FACULTY

With 13 years as a professor, researcher and college administrator, Dr. Heller teaches health economics, microeconomics and international development. She enjoys using discussion and multimedia course materials to illustrate economic concepts in her classes. Her research interests include data analysis and statistical program evaluation and a wide variety of policy questions and topics in applied microeconomics.

Long before you step into the business world, you can get management experience, leveraging what you’ve learned in the classroom. Join and help run one of 15 Berry Student Enterprises — team and leadership roles that pay off in the real world.
Economics Courses
Understand the application of microeconomic analysis to management decision-making and planning. This course covers supply and demand, elasticity, price discrimination, auctions, principal-agent problems, production and costs, market structure, entrepreneurship, labor and capital markets, and the effects of exchange rate changes on firm behavior.
Explore the impact of historical events on the evolution of economics, the connections between economics and other academic disciplines, and the influence of economists on society.
Learn to apply economic analysis to real-world scenarios in international trade and finance. This course reviews trade theories, balance of payments and exchange rate as well as movements and international capital mobility. Through discussion and demonstration, you’ll gain an understanding of the effects of exchange rate movements on multi-national enterprises and the effects of tariffs and quotas.
Economics LIVES
Togoryamba (Togor) Nunghe ’16 is a technology strategy consultant at Deloitte Consulting with a strong portfolio of work experiences and two master’s degrees. When she came to Berry as a freshman, she was a world away from
family. Still, she was determined to attend college “on her own.” As she looks back on her career growth, Togor realizes she wasn’t exactly on her own. She credits the Berry network with helping her make the right moves to get where she is today. “When you reflect on your journey,” Togor says, “you realize how many people helped you along the way.”