Group of students studying
Legally Sound



The best preparation for law school.

Write your brief and file it, too. Berry offers a comprehensive liberal arts education and the preparation you need to apply for—and excel in—law school.

You’ll be carefully guided in small class settings, exploring more than a dozen law-based courses while developing the analytical and critical thinking skills you need for whatever law career you pursue.

Enjoying a more than 95 percent acceptance rate to law schools, our graduates have attended such law programs as Harvard University, University of Chicago, University of California-Berkeley and University of Virginia. 

professor behind podium pointing to a student raising their hand in a crowd
Hands On

Shape your legal skills through internships with law firms in Rome. Work as a research assistant for your professor. Serve as Student Government Association officer.


Dr. Eric Sands
Associate Professor of Government & International Studies
Dr. Eric Sands
Associate Professor of Government & International Studies
Dr. Eric Sands

Dr. Sands teaches courses on parties, American political thought and constitutional law.  He also serves as the college Pre-Law Advisor where he has mentored numerous students in their successful efforts to pursue careers in law or the legal field.  He currently serves as the faculty advisor for the student moot court association.

two students in the library reading business law text books
Raising the Bar

(See what we did there?) Get expert pre-law advising, personalized LSAT preparation, guidance with your application process and help finding the best-fit law school. 

Pre-Law Courses

GOV 327
Constitutional Law II: Civil Rights and Liberties

Embark on a close reading of leading Supreme Court opinions that deal with civil liberties and civil rights.

PHI 353
Symbolic Logic

Explore the methods and techniques of modern symbolic logic, including propositional logic, predicate logic and issues in the philosophy of logic.

COM 416 I
Media Law

Examine the constitutional and legislative foundations of freedom of speech and press, with special emphasis on the law of libel, privacy, censorship, access and broadcast regulation.


Ben Riggs, clerk for the Republican National Committee

A government major who focused his studies in political philosophy and American government, Ben Riggs ’15 followed his Berry education with law school and an internship in the Office of White House Counsel. He is currently clerking for the Republican National Committee in legal counsel, working on issues in election, campaign and constitutional law. His long term-goals involve working in Washington D.C. and applying for the Army JAG Corp in the coming year.

Ben Riggs
Ben Riggs, clerk for the Republican National Committee

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