Student Exhibition

almost REALLY 

The Berry College Art Program is pleased to present the work of our students made over the 2019/20 academic year in various studio art classes. Students provided images of their work that they felt was strong in concept, craft, and resolution to be included in this virtual exhibition. The work spans introductory through advanced classes in ceramics/sculpture, painting/drawing, design, and photography. 

Introductory courses include Two-Dimensional Design; observationally-based Drawing; and Multi-Media/3-D, a new special topics course that often utilized the Berry campus as a source for inspiration and materials, as well as the site for display.

More discipline-specific classes include Typography, a special topics course focusing on the arrangement of text to expressive ends; Figure Drawing; wheel-based Throwing Clay; introductory Painting; the exploration of different software in Digital Imaging; and Light Media, introducing film/darkroom photography.

Painting Workshop provides students with the opportunity to explore painting on a more advanced level with oils. 

The Art Program is grateful for the opportunity to work with such engaged students that create a vibrant community, whether on campus or remotely, and for sharing the results of their creative research with a larger audience.