
The Curriculum and Instruction degree programs (M.Ed & Ed.S.) have been specifically designed to provide a comprehensive examination of P-12 curriculum and instruction. The programs require candidates to conduct in-depth research into their specific content-area of expertise while demonstrating advanced pedagogical skills or understanding related to their field(s) of certification. The program focuses on pedagogy, content-related pedagogy, assessment and instructional technology that are essential for effective school-based practice. The program is specially designed to cater to the growing need for classroom teachers to strengthen and enhance their competencies in designing, implementing, and evaluating curriculum and instruction. The program provides candidates with the opportunity to further enhance their competencies in attaining service certification. It also provides the courses and performance-based field experiences required for S certification, which could be utilized to move up to the Advanced Professional level of tiered-certification. The program is aligned with the Curriculum and Instruction Standards and Performance Indicators specified by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

M.Ed. and Ed.S REquirements

Comprehensive Oral Examination

Each candidate is required to complete a comprehensive oral examination. This examination measures the candidate’s knowledge of the content field as well as the ability to integrate and apply that knowledge. Thus, the examination is more than a review of course work.

The candidate’s oral exam will be scheduled in the last semester of the program by the Graduate Education Office.

Upon the candidate’s completion of the comprehensive examination, the examining committee will render one of the following decisions: (1) pass; (2) conditional pass or (3) fail. If necessary, the candidate may retake the examination after completing any required additional work. If the candidate fails the exam a second time, no further opportunity to take the examination will be granted.

Program Capstone Project

The required capstone project is assessed by a rubric aligned with each of the graduate program principles. The Capstone Project will be turned in on a due date specified in LiveText and will be used to illustrate growth as a professional in each of the graduate program principles as well as a focus for the oral examination. As part of the Capstone Project, candidates will be expected to document their participation in field experiences characterized by collaboration, accountability, and environment practices associated with professional learning. Field experiences represent a variety of early and ongoing school-based opportunities in which candidates demonstrate their ability to instruct, conduct applied research, and use information technology to support teaching, learning and diverse students.

Application for Georgia Teacher Certification upgrade (M.ed.)

Guidelines for applying for teacher certification or upgrade of existing teacher certification are available from the Office of Field Experience and Student Teaching in the Charter School of Education and Human Sciences. It is the responsibility of each candidate to complete the required forms for certification and /or upgrade with the college’s certification officer. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC) establishes all certification requirements. Berry College Standards and program requirements are subject to change based on the PSC and SACS requirements of the program to maintain accreditation.

Independent Study

An independent-study course is assigned for an individual project or readings under supervision. An authorization form is available from the Office of Graduate Studies and requires consultation with the instructor of choice to develop the topic of study, approval of the candidate’s advisor, and approval of the dean.

An independent-study course may not be substituted for a course that is part of the regular course curriculum of the college. Independent-study applications will not be approved if the topic of study reflects a course being taught during the requested term. Candidates may take no more than two independent-study courses.