Title IX

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Formal Policy

Title IX policy as required by the U.S. Department of Education, effective August 14, 2020

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Berry College is a residential academic community that is grounded in relationships built on trust and respect. The College seeks to provide a learning and working environment conducive to thought, creativity, and growth, where individuals are free to realize their full potential. Sexual harassment, assault and other forms of sexual misconduct are fundamentally at odds with these goals and an affront to human dignity. In both obvious and subtle ways, sexual misconduct harms students, faculty, and staff, as well as the academic community as a whole.

Berry College will not tolerate sexual misconduct and will work diligently to prevent and eliminate sexual misconduct at the College.

Berry College Sexual Misconduct Policy 

Effective August 14, 2020, Berry has adopted a new Title IX policy in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education’s new Title IX Regulations. 

This policy is intended to define sexual misconduct for Berry students and employees. It is also intended to educate the members of our community (students, faculty, staff) about their responsibilities regarding the policy, procedures for reporting incidents of sexual misconduct, and remedies for resolution.

The College prohibits sexual misconduct by College faculty, staff, students and those who use College facilities.  The prohibition applies regardless of the gender of the reporter or of the respondent and includes sexual relationships involving a status differential and those between peers, colleagues, and co-workers.  This policy applies to all members of the Berry community as they interact with one another in both on- and off-campus settings. Acts of sexual assault by or against students, employees, visitors to the campus, or other persons who use college facilities will not be tolerated and will be pursued under the college’s sexual misconduct policy without regard to whether they are pursued separately by law enforcement.

Comprehensive Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF)