Sue Dudt


Name: Sue Dudt
Title: Director of Career Development
Phone: 706.236.2292
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Education: Master of Arts in College Student Personnel, Bowling Green State University

Bachelor of Arts, Christian Education, Westminster College 

Ask Me About

Anything related to YOUR career path and planning it out.

For fun – ask about my travel adventures especially my summer 2022 European adventure with my college roomie OR my National Park Adventures with my family – we have evidence of being “heroes” in Pictured Rocks!

advice To Students

Get a variety of experiences, gain a network of connections, go somewhere out of your comfort zone, and mostly find what truly makes you excited about making a difference in this world!

Favorite job as a college student

Most definitely being a Resident Assistant my Senior year to a floor of 30 freshmen women.

Childhood career ambition

Being a wife and mom (still doing that one but did a “stay at home mom” era for 13 years).

Also - a physical therapist but I talked myself out of that when I realized I didn’t want to take any sciences freshman year of college!

Favorite spot on campus

Do. Not. Make. Me. Pick. Just. One…

Okay for now I will say the Ford Buildings and the fields around them.

Favorite assessment tool/career search tool

I do like the Holland theory of career development! See Pathway U or me to learn more!

Favorite quote

Movie quotes…. “He’s bonafide” and  “Hmmmm, I’d have to say April 25th….”

Two of my favorite scripture quotes “Strength and dignity are her clothing, she smiles at the future” (Proverbs 31:25) and "Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).

Favorite thing about working with Berry students in CPPD

I truly love the diversity within the student body especially the varied interests and majors and endless career options! I spent 21 years in a school with a limited number of undergraduate majors and a large Chiropractic professional degree program AND, while rewarding, I truly missed the breadth of a college with the variety offered here at Berry. I love everything about career development from the discovery phase to the “I love my resume” and “I just landed my job or spot in grad school” celebration.