Phillip Edge

phillip-edge.jpgName: Phillip Edge
Title: Associate Director of Training and Development
Hometown: Rome, GA
Education: Bachelor of Arts in English (1999), Centre College

Ask Me About

LifeWorks, specifically anything people development related. I have a passion for anything people… And sneakers :) I have a passion for sneakers.


Enjoy this season of your life, find a mentor (or several), smile a lot and remember… You “get to do this”.

Favorite job as a college student

I was a student athlete, (football) does that count??

CHildhood career ambition

 I wanted to be like “Mike” (Michael Jordan)

Favorite spot on campus

Do I have to pick one? There are so many beautiful places on campus. Let’s go with the House O’ Dreams.

Favorite assessment tool

I am a certified practitioner for DISC and MBTI so they are my favorites. :)

Favorite quote

“If you throw a dart at nothing you will hit it every time.”- my dad