Hope Willoughby


Name: Hope Willoughby
Title: Associate Director of Career Education & Development
Email: hwilloughby@berry.edu
Phone: 706.236.2292
Ringgold, GA
Education: Ph.D., Higher Education Leadership (in progress), Colorado State University
M.A., Human Communication and Social Influence (2013), Georgia State University
B.A., Communication (2009), Berry College

Ask Me About

Telling your Berry story, professional communication, student learning and development, and reflective practice. If you don’t want to talk about school or work, I’m always down to discuss cooking, coffee, or dinosaurs!


Not only is it okay to not know what you want to do with your life after graduation, it’s totally normal. Career paths aren’t linear, and as long as you spend your time in college learning, growing, and developing transferable skills, you’re going to land on your feet. Remember that we’re here to help every step of the way, whether you’re a freshman trying to decide on a major or career path, a senior applying to jobs or graduate schools, or any stage in between.

Favorite job as a college student

My favorite job in college was working for KCAB. During my two years on KCAB, I served as co-chair of the Spotlight committee, which meant that I planned, promoted, and implemented student performance events, including talent shows and the now-defunct Miss Berry pageant. The event management experience I gained through KCAB still pays off when I’m tasked with coordinating campus events like CPPD workshops!

Favorite spot on campus

The Laughlin building will always hold a special place in my heart. As a Communication major and former faculty member, Laughlin’s aging brick and creaky hardwood floors feel like home.

Favorite Assessment/Career Search tool

Your career counselor! Assessments like Pathway U are amazing tools for learning more about your interests, values, and possible career paths, but you’ll gain even more talking with a trained career counselor who can help you construct meaning from your assessment results and reflect on your past experiences. Sometimes the best way to make meaning from your experience is by articulating what you’re thinking to another human being. The process of putting your story into words and sharing it with someone can be an invaluable tool for learning.

Favorite quote

“Philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.”

Favorite thing about working with Berry students in the cppd

I love watching students change over time as they learn more about themselves and gain the knowledge and skills they need to successfully navigate life after college. As someone who invests deeply in the students I work with, I find it incredibly rewarding to build mentoring relationships with students who invite me to participate in their personal and professional development journeys.