Hardware and Software Policy


All hardware devices acquired for or on behalf of the college or developed by college employees or contract personnel on behalf of the college are and shall be deemed college property. All such hardware devices must be used in compliance with applicable licenses, notices, contracts, and agreements.  

Software Licensing

Each employee is individually responsible for reading, understanding, and following all applicable licenses, notice, contracts, and agreements for software that he or she uses or seeks to use on college computers. Unless otherwise provided in the applicable license, notice, contract, or agreement, any duplication or copyrighted software, except for backup and archival purposes, may be a violation of federal and state law. In addition to violating such laws, unauthorized duplication of software is a violation of the college's software/hardware policy. 

BMC Client Manager is installed on all Berry-owned computers to insure the proper use of licensing across campus, maintain inventory, and to assist end users experiencing certain software problems or in need of application assistance.

Sophos Endpoint Security is our anti-virus solution and is installed on all Berry-owned computers. 

Campus Agreement Software License

Berry College has renewed our annual institution-wide licensing program with Microsoft Corporation to acquire a comprehensive package of desktop software for Berry owned computers. It also covers computer lab software use on campus as well as e-mail services for a one-year period.  

Students have the option of using Microsoft Office 365 which can be downloaded and installed directly to the students computer from a web link in their email. Students can also opt to use Microsoft Office Web Apps for free. This package includes popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook.

Microsoft Office 365 can be accessed by logging into your email at mail.office365.com. Click on the gear symbol in the upper-right hand corner of the browser window next to your name and then select "Office 365" under "Your App Settings." Click on the "Install Status" menu item. Click on "Install desktop applications," and click "Install." 

Computer Purchasing Policy

All faculty and staff computers, peripheral devices, and non-discipline specific software are to be purchased through OIT (Office for Information Technology). This process ensures that any equipment purchased will be compatible with existing equipment and supportable on our network. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, printers, scanners and any other piece of equipment connected to Berry-owned computers. Berry College is committed to providing sustainable IT products through EPEAT, with a preference for products that rank Silver or higher.

OIT will be happy to work with you to define your needs and to help select the appropriate equipment regarding the purchase. We will also order the equipment for you and schedule its installation. Turnaround times normally are very short. OIT is positioned to obtain the best pricing for you and your department on many types of computer equipment and supplies while retaining compatibility with the Berry network. 

Please e-mail OIT Purchasing at oitpurchasing@berry.edu.