Public Relations

What We Do

The Berry College Office of Public Relations serves as a liaison between the college and external audiences including the news media, local community and companies/agencies looking to use the campus for photo or video productions. The Office of Public Relations issues all press releases on behalf of the College and coordinates media requests to visit campus and interview professors, students and staff about their successes, research and work. We also serve as the primary content managers for the news section of the Berry website.

Let us Help You Share the Berry Story

We help tell Berry’s story— about our students, our programs and our impact. These stories enhance Berry’s reputation, raises awareness, supports admissions, and strengthens connections with alumni, parents and our community. We also assist faculty in placing opinion articles and interviews that deal with their expertise, research interests or class experiences.

Contact us at least 2 weeks prior to a planned event so we can plan for coverage as well as promote your event in advance.

Sending a Press Release

The Office of Public Relations can help develop a strategy for sharing your news with the appropriate audiences and media outlets, and can produce and send news releases to publicize events, honors and awards. This includes photos, video and social media.

News releases are automatically sent out to hometown newspapers/news sites for recipients of the Dean's List, graduation, awards, and other honors.

You should start by completing a Press release request using Hive.

Media Inquiries

All inquiries should be directed to the Office Public Relations using the information below:

Chris Reinolds Kozelledirector of public relations 
Hermann Hall Room 318 | o:706.236.1716 / m:404-578-4780 |


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