GPI Poet Request

To request a GPI poet to read at your institution: If your institution would like to host a GPI poet, please contact Dr. Nick Norwood, Director of the Georgia Poetry Circuit, at, with your request for a particular participating poet. All currently participating GPI poets, with biographical summaries, are listed here. If the poet is available - i.g., has not yet contracted for a GPI reading for that year - the requesting institution will be provided with the contact information of the poet. From that point on, all discussion and planning will be between the requesting institution and the poet.

The requesting institution must agree to pay any travel and incidental expenses within Georgia, should there be any; if your institution has no funding for even minimal expenses, then refer to the biographical listings to select a poet in your area. The hosting institution must also agree that the reading will be free and open to the public; typically, each institution can host only one GPI-supported reading per academic year.

This program is open to any college, university, or high school within the state of Georgia, public or private, whether or not the institution has any current or past affiliation with the Georgia Poetry Circuit. Libraries and community arts organizations are also welcome to participate.

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