Directions and Accommodations


For your convenience, we have provided downloadable and printable directions for each of our venues below.

View a Downloadable and Printable Map


Krannert Center: Guests may park in the parking lot adjacent (behind) the Krannert Center, or in the Cage Parking Lot, immediately behind the Cage Recreation Center.

Ford Dining Hall & Alumni Center: Guests may park in the designated parking spaces surrounding the Ford complex.

Oak Hill Property: Guests will be directed to a parking spot when they arrive on the property.


  • For guests attending a meeting or event on Main Campus, please make sure your guests know to have their ID out and ready as they enter the Welcome Center gate.
  • Please tell your guests to factor in time for parking and driving to your event location since some of them may require additional time for parking and walking to the location.
  • Please include the name of the specific building in your event invitation/notification to your guests. This is helpful for not only your guests, but for the Welcome Center to help direct your guests.


Please click here for a comprehensive list of local hotels to accommodate your group for any overnight stay in Rome.

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