Educational Land Management (ELM)

Educational land Management (elm)

Situated in a setting of natural beauty on 27,000 acres at the foothills of the Appalachians, the Berry College campus area is rich with its biodiversity of native species and habitats. It is a natural laboratory for ecological research and for environmental studies that encourage students to consider the social, philosophical, political, and educational perspectives on the environment, as well as for integrating environmental issues into strategic business performance and management or the development of sound environmental policies.

Thoughtful management of Berry College’s land resources is vital to maintaining its long-standing tradition of excellent undergraduate education and sensible land stewardship. The Educational Land Management (ELM) concept was created by Dr. Bruce Conn to provide a new strategy for land management based on educational and research opportunities as the land's primary assets. The ELM Committee was formally established in 2000 as an advisory board to the president, charged with the management of Berry College’s land resources for educational purposes and with supporting the College's goals of providing a full range of multiple use benefits from the land. As stewards of significant landholdings, Berry College recognizes that responsible stewardship of the land involves using a sound integrated ecosystem management plan. As an academic community, we are committed to providing educational opportunities, while responsibly managing our renewable and non-renewable resources.

As educational, research, cultural, and recreational activities that involve the land expand, a representative group needs to meet regularly to guide and coordinate the process by which specific areas are approved and safeguarded for specified time periods for these designated uses and to ensure that such use is compatible with other designated and approved uses of campus lands. Therefore the Educational Land Management Committee has been reconstituted and charged with support of this effort.

Toward these ends, the committee will be composed of the following members:

  • ELM chair person
  • Two faculty members appointed by the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
  • One faculty member appointed by the Evans School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
  • One faculty member elected by Faculty Assembly
  • Director of Agricultural Operations and Sustainability
  • Director of Facilities Services
  • Director of Land Resources  
  • Director of Campus Safety
  • Dean of Student Work
  • One member appointed by Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Vice president for Finance
  • Provost
  • Two student representatives

ELM Contact Information: Dr. Catherine H. Borer,