
If you love the outdoors and are curious about the origin, structure and history of the earth, consider a minor that pairs well with any major—geology. In fact, when combined with physics, engineering, environmental science or chemistry, it opens the door to in-demand careers in environmental consulting, mining, water quality and coastal management.

The beauty of this major is access to the world’s biggest lab, the Berry campus, where classes focus on rocks, groundwater and surface water, climate change, natural disasters, energy and landscapes. Experience exciting fieldwork right here. Research projects on campus provide opportunities to gain hands-on experience in groundwater monitoring, sinkhole delineation, stream restoration, rain-shadow effects and assessment of groundwater quality using the water quality index.

You’ll find a world of opportunity beyond Berry. You can collaborate with faculty on research or study abroad in places like Iceland with its unique culture and geologic wonders. Our students also travel to Africa, India, Central America or South America to perform water quality assessments.