A female student working with technology
Invent your future. Now.

Creative Technologies

Major • Minor

An innovative approach to learning innovation

You have a big idea. We’ll help you bring it to life (and maybe even bring it to market) through our interdisciplinary creative technologies program.

Combining the liberal arts, computer science, design thinking and business, you’ll hone an entrepreneurial mindset, master interpersonal communication skills and develop a firm grasp of the business and economics of tech.

You’ll be guided by passionate professors and surrounded by fellow innovators as you develop and pitch your ideas, sharpen your problem-solving skills and prepare for a life and career as big as your ideas.

Student soldering at a table
Hands On

Don’t wait to innovate. Manage actual (college-supplied) funds through the Berry Investment Group, participate in hackathons and pitch competitions and work as a paid employee in the Berry business office.

Creative Technologies FACULTY

Zane Cochran
Clinical Instructor of Creative Technologies
Zane Cochran
Clinical Instructor of Creative Technologies
Zane Cochran

As a clinical instructor and director of HackBerry Lab, Zane teaches a variety of prototyping and design thinking topics within the creative technologies program at Berry College. His research focuses on maker-oriented learning and embedded electronics in wearable technology, and he actively consults with primary and secondary schools in developing STEM-based makerspaces for their students and faculty. In addition to teaching and research, he actively exhibits his interactive creations in museums, galleries and fashion shows.

A Student making a circuit board

Bring your creative solutions to diverse businesses — from managing livestock to running a bed-and-breakfast or bicycle shop — through our 15 our student-operated enterprises. Our campus makerspace, HackBerry Lab, offers the tools and equipment needed to design and prototype your ideas.

Creative Technologies Courses

CRT 101
Introduction to Prototyping

Explore fundamental skills and basic theoretical concepts in the design process — including product-design-oriented innovation, creativity, human-centered design thinking and prototyping.

CSC 235
Physical Computing and Embedded Systems

An introduction to electronics and microcontroller programming for prototyping physical systems that incorporates sensors, displays, and actuators. Explores techniques for creating richly interactive experiences using computationally enabled devices.

ENT 340
Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Covers concepts of entrepreneurship and the creation and operation of a small business. Case studies and presentations by entrepreneurs are emphasized. Development of business plans, marketing strategies, finance, personnel practices, and operations in small businesses.

Creative Technologies LIVES

Luke Steel

Majoring in creative technologies can lead graduates down a variety of paths. Luke Steel’s passion for solving problems and sharing knowledge with others has led him to a unique position as the makerspace specialist at the Georgia Cyber Center.

“Being a creative technologies major meant tackling challenging problems and iterating quickly,” Steel explains. “This prepared me for my current position by teaching me to break down a problem to the simplest, most digestible chunk. Then, once the simple problem is solved, I can move up in design complexity.”

Luke Steel
Luke Steel

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