Publications and Presentations

PEER-REVIEWED PAPERS: (undergraduate co-authors are underlined)

Cipollini, M.L., P. Felch, N. R. Dingley, and C. Maddox. 2019. Changes in tree canopy, understory vegetation, and fuel composition after 10 years of restoration management in an old-growth mountain longleaf pine forest. Natural Areas Journal 39(2):197-211.

Kronenberger, J., Cipollini, M.L., T. Baldvins, A. Montgomery, and A. Simpson. 2014. Vegetative and bird community response to management in a mountain longleaf pine forest. Natural Areas Journal 34(1):8-23.

Cipollini, M.L., J. Culberson, C. Strippelhoff, T. Baldvins, and K. Miller. 2012. Herbaceous plants and grasses in a mountain Longleaf Pine forest undergoing restoration: a survey and comparative study. Southeastern Naturalist 11(4):637–668.


Wingo, M.D., A. Rose, T. Chesnut, and M. Cipollini. 2023. Evaluating the efficacy of protective devices to aid in the direct seeding of Longleaf pine. Symposium on Student Scholarship, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA. April 11, 2023 (M.D. Wingo and A. Rose presenting).

Cipollini, M.L. 2022. Restoration of old growth montane Longleaf pine forest at Berry College - progress and challenges. Trees Atlanta: Speaker Series. Atlanta, GA. September 8, 2022.

Cipollini, M.L. 2020. Changes in tree canopy, understory vegetation, and fuel composition after 10 years of restoration management in an old-growth mountain longleaf pine forest. North Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Meeting. June 4, 2020. By Zoom,

Cipollini, M.L. 2018. Restoring Mountain Longleaf Pine and American Chestnut in Georgia, Georgia Urban Forest Council Meeting, Rome, GA. April 25, 2018.

Moss, J.P., N. Bailey, N. Wessel, S. Williams, and E. Humphreys. 2018. The Berry College Central Grove Longleaf Pine Seed Orchard. Council for Student Scholarship Symposium, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA. April 10, 2018.

Cipollini, M.L. 2016. Restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine. University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN. October 7, 2016.

Cipollini, M.L. 2016. Restoring the Mountain Longleaf Pine and American Chestnut. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Berry College, Mount Berry, GA. August 1, 2016.

Cipollini, M.L. 2016. Berry College Campus Arboretum and E.L.M. Project. Georgia Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference. Berry College, Mount Berry, GA. August 2, 2016.

Cipollini, M.L. 2016. Forest restoration and community engagement: Restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine and American Chestnut forests in Georgia. Georgia Native Plant Society – West Georgia Chapter, Carrollton, GA. June 21, 2016.

Cipollini, M.L. 2015. Forest restoration and community engagement: Restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine and American Chestnut forests in Georgia. Rome Federation of Garden Clubs, Rome, GA. November 2, 2015.

Cipollini, M.L., N. R. Dingley, and P. Felch. 2015. Changes in vegetative structure across the first decade of restoration management in an old growth mountain longleaf pine forest. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 9-14, 2015, Baltimore, MD (Cipollini presenting).

Cipollini, M.L., N. R. Dingley, and P. Felch. 2015. Changes in vegetative structure across 10 years of restoration management in an old growth mountain longleaf pine forest. 74th Annual Association of Southeastern Biologists Meeting, April 1-4, 2015, Chattanooga, TN (Cipollini presenting).  Also presented at the Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, April 14, 2015, Mount Berry, GA (Dingley and Felch presenting).

Cipollini, M.L., N.R. Dingley, P. Felch, R. Ware, C. Hughes, R. Carleton, K. Richardson, and B. Erb. 2015. The Berry College Arboretum: Initial inventory and short-term plans. 74th Annual Association of Southeastern Biologists Meeting, April 1-4, 2015, Chattanooga, TN.  Also presented at the Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, April 14, 2015, Mount Berry, GA (Dingley and Felch presenting).

Cipollini, M.L. 2014. Changes in vegetative structure across 10 years of restoration management in an old growth mountain longleaf pine forest. Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA. November 13, 2014 (invited oral presentation)

Cipollini, M.L., N. R. Dingley, and P. Felch. 2014. Changes in vegetative structure across 10 years of restoration management in an old growth mountain longleaf pine forest. Natural Areas Conference. October 15-17, 2014. Dayton, OH.

Cipollini, M.L. 2014. Forest restoration and student/community engagement. Bonner Summer Leadership Institute: Community-Based Learning:  Pedagogies, Partners, and Practice Symposium. May 29, 2014, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA.

Cipollini, M. L. 2014. Natural forests, native trees and healthy watersheds: Restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine and American Chestnut Forests in Georgia. Georgia Statewide Arbor Day Celebration, Rome, GA, February 18, 2014.

Cipollini, M. L. 2012. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Lessons for Marshall Forest. Emma Lewis Lipps Ecology Lecture. Shorter University, April 11, 2012.

Montgomery, A., M. Cipollini, and S. Barrow. 2012. Survey of ravine-dwelling herpetofauna in Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem. Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, April 11, 2012, Mount Berry, GA (Montgomery presenting)

Culberson, J., M. Cipollini, T. Baldvins, E. Lane, C. McDaniel, K. Miller, and C. Strippelhoff. 2010. Herbaceous plants and grasses of the Berry College Longleaf Management Area. Abstracts: Ecological Society of America 95th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.  August 1-6, 2010.

Kronenberger, J., T. Baldvins, M. Cipollini and A. Montgomery. 2010. Early effects of restoration practices within a historically fire-suppressed mountain longleaf pine ecosystem on vegetative and bird community structure.  Abstracts: Ecological Society of America 95th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.  August 1-6, 2010.

Kronenberger, J., T. Baldvins, M. Cipollini, W. McCullough, A. Montgomery, and A. Simpson. 2010. Early effects of restoration practices within a historically fire-suppressed mountain longleaf pine ecosystem on vegetative structure and the bird community.  71st Annual Association of Southeastern Biologists Meeting, April 7-11, 2010, Asheville, NC.

Baldvins, T., M. Cipollini, J. Culberson, K. Miller, and C. Strippelhoff. 2009. Herbaceous plants and grasses of the Berry College Longleaf Management Area: a preliminary survey. 70th Annual Association of Southeastern Biologists Meeting, April 1-4, 2009, Birmingham, AL.

Cipollini, M., C. Strippelhoff, T. Baldvins, R. Armstrong, K. Miller, E. Lane, C. McDaniel, and J. Culberson. 2009. Herbaceous plants and grasses of the Berry Longleaf Management Area: a preliminary survey.  Proceedings of the 7th Longleaf Alliance Regional Meeting.  Longleaf Alliance Report 14:75. 

Cipollini, M., C. Strippelhoff, T. Baldvins, R. Armstrong, K. Miller, E. Lane, and C. McDaniel. 2008. Herbaceous plants and grasses of the Berry College Longleaf Management Area: a preliminary survey. Abstracts: The Longleaf Alliance & Forest Guild Joint Meeting 2008. October 28 – November 1, Sandestin, FL.

Cipollini, M., J. Blalock, P. Browning, G. Cassell, E. Lane, N. Malloy, and E. Swanson. 2008. Short-term effects of restoration burning and herbicide treatment on aboveground biomass and tree community structure in a relict Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem.  Abstracts: Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Spartanburg, SC.  April 16-19, 2008.

Cipollini, M., C. Francia, C. Kujala, A. Lottes, N. Malloy, M. Mann, E. Swanson, and N. Wigington. 2008. Effects of restoration prescribed burning on post-fire mortality in relict Montane Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) in northwestern Georgia.  Abstracts: Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Spartanburg, SC.  April 16-19, 2008.

Cipollini, M. 2008. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Progress over the First Five Years. Abstracts: Third Montane Longleaf Conference, Auburn, AL. March 11, 2008.

Cipollini, M. 2008. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Progress over the First Five Years. Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:42. (not peer-reviewed)

Cipollini, M., J. Blalock, P. Browning, G. Cassell, E. Lane, N. Malloy, and E. Swanson. 2008. Short-term effects of restoration burning and herbicide treatment on aboveground biomass and tree community structure in a relict Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem. Abstracts: Third Montane Longleaf Conference, Auburn, AL. March 11, 2008.

Cipollini, M., J. Blalock, P. Browning, G. Cassell, E. Lane, N. Malloy, and E. Swanson.  2008. Short-term effects of restoration burning and herbicide treatment on aboveground biomass and tree community structure in a relict Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem. Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:72. (not peer-reviewed)

Cipollini, M., C. Francia, C. Kujala, A. Lottes, N. Malloy, M. Mann, E. Swanson, and N. Wigington. 2008. Effects of restoration prescribed burning on post-fire mortality in relict Montane Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) in northwestern Georgia.  Abstracts: Third Montane Longleaf Conference, Auburn, AL.  March 11, 2008.

Cipollini, M., C. Francia, C. Kujala, A. Lottes, N. Malloy, M. Mann, E. Swanson, and N. Wigington. 2008. Effects of restoration prescribed burning on post-fire mortality in relict Montane Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) in northwestern Georgia.  Third Montane Longleaf Conference Proceedings. Longleaf Alliance Report 13:71. (not peer-reviewed)

Cipollini, M. L. and R. Worley. 2007. Fuel loads, tree community structure, and carbon storage in Mountain Longleaf Pine stands undergoing restoration.  Abstracts: Ecological Society of America 92nd Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA.  August 4-11, 2007.

Worley, R. and M. L. Cipollini. 2007. Fuel loads and carbon storage in mountain longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) stands undergoing restoration.  Abstracts: North Carolina Academy of Science 104th Annual Meeting, East Carolina University, March 30 – April 1, 2007. 

Worley, R. and M. L. Cipollini. 2006. Fuel loads, tree community structure, and carbon storage in Mountain Longleaf Pine stands undergoing restoration.  Longleaf Alliance Conference, Tifton, GA.  November 13-16, 2006 and Berry College NSF-REU Symposium, August 2006.

Cipollini, M. L., A. Huber, A. Gaskell, M. Belk and C. Donahue. 2006. Estimation of carbon storage and dynamics in a Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem undergoing restoration. Ecological Society of America 91st Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee.  August 6-11, 2006.

Currie, K., J. M. Varner, J. Kush and M. Cipollini. 2006. A survey of the herbaceous vegetation in the Berry College Longleaf Pine Management Area.  The Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN.  March 29-April 1, 2006. Southeastern Biology 53(2):208 and Berry College NSF-REU Symposium, August 2005.

Huber, A., A. Gaskell, C. Worrell, L. Rogers and M. Cipollini. 2006. Estimation of total biomass in a Mountain Longleaf Pine ecosystem in northwestern Georgia.  The Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Gatlinburg, TN.  March 29-April 1, 2006. Southeastern Biology 53(2):169-170 and Berry College NSF-REU Symposium, August 2005.

Cipollini, M. 2005. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: Progress Over the First Three Years. Program and Abstracts: 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.

Knight, T., M. Cipollini and C. Worrell. 2005. Dendrochronological investigations of longleaf pine on Lavender Mountain. Program and Abstracts: 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.

Currie, K., J. M. Varner, J. Kush, and M. Cipollini. 2005. A Survey of the Herbaceous Vegetation Found in the Berry Longleaf Pine Management Area.  Program and Abstracts: 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.

Huber, A.A. Gaskell, C. Worrell and M. Cipollini. 2005. Estimation of Carbon Storage in a Mountain Longleaf Ecosystem of Northwestern Georgia.  Program and Abstracts: 2nd Mountain Longleaf Conference, Mount Berry, GA.  November 18-19, 2005.

Cipollini, M., A. Gaskell and C. Worrell. 2005. Use of herbicide and prescribed burning to control hardwoods in the regeneration and restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine habitats.   Abstracts: The Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Florence, AL.  April 13-16, 2005. Southeastern Biology 52: 210 and Berry College NSF-REU Symposium, August 2004.

Worrell, C., J. Oliver, and M. Cipollini. 2005. Determination of average longleaf pine seed viability and grafting success rate.  Abstracts: Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, April, 2005.

Cipollini, M., A. Gaskell, C. Worrell, M. Belk and C. Donahue. 2004. Use of herbicide and prescribed burning to control hardwoods in the regeneration and restoration of Mountain Longleaf Pine habitats.  Program and Abstracts: 5th Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference, Kush, J.S. Comp. October 12-15, 2004; Hattiesburg, MS.

Belk, M., C. Donahue and M. Cipollini. 2004. An analysis of standing fuel loads within the Berry College Longleaf Management Area, Floyd County, GA.  Abstracts: Georgia Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA.  March 22-24, 2004.

Cipollini, M. L. 2003. The Berry College Longleaf Pine Project: A Management Update. Abstracts: First Montane Longleaf Conference, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL.  October 15-17, 2003.

Cipollini, M. L., C. R. Faulkner and J. G. Goss. 2002. The Berry College longleaf management plan: Status of Mountain Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) on campus and current management plans.  Abstracts: The Fourth Longleaf Alliance Regional Conference: Longleaf Pine: A Southern Legacy Rising from the Ashes.  Southern Pines, North Carolina, November 17-20, 2002.

Vaughn, K. H., E. Aguilar-Espinoza, S. Arce Flores, C. L. Clary and M. L. Cipollini. 2001.  Status of Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) on the Berry College campus, and implications for long-term management. Bulletin of the Association of Southeastern Biologists.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, New Orleans, Louisiana.  April 4-7, 2001, at the School of Mathematics and Natural Science 2001 Annual Poster Session, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, April 10, 2001, and at the Berry College Symposium on Student Scholarship, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, April 17, 2001.

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