InterLibrary Loan

Phone: 706.233.4057 |  Fax: 706.238.7814 |  E-mail: 
ILL Guide

Make a Request

About ILL

  • InterLibrary Loan is a nationwide cooperative service among libraries developed in order to share their collections by lending items to each other. This program allows you to request items not held by Memorial Library.
  • ILL services are available to current faculty, students, and staff.
  • Submit all requests using the ILL form. There is no need to sign up! All current faculty, staff, and students are setup for this service. Access ILL services by using your Active Directory credentials. (Your Active Directory username is the first part of your email address. For example, jsmith or john.smith.)
  • Leave all paperwork on or inside of physical items intact.


Q. What can I request through ILL?
A. Books, Book Chapters, Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Dissertations, and Audiovisual Items (DVDs, CDs, etc).

Q. What can’t I request through ILL?
A. eBooks, Textbooks, and print editions of items we already have online access to.

Q. How do I request an item?
A. Submit your request using the ILL form. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to contact the ILL office ( for help.

Q. How long does it take for items to arrive?
A. You should request the items you need at least 2 weeks ahead of time. We cannot promise items by a specific date because multiple factors are out of our control (mail services, response time, etc.).

Q. How will I know when my item arrives?
A. You will be notified via your Berry e-mail.

Q: What is the difference between a “copy” and “loan” request?
A: A loan request is for a physical item (book, DVD, etc.), while a copy request is for an item typically supplied electronically (journal and magazine articles, book chapters, etc.).

Q. Where do I pick up my items?
A. The Library Service Desk. Documents arriving in an electronic-only format will be emailed.

Q. How long can I keep an item?
A. For all "returnables," such as books and DVDs, loan periods will vary according to the policies of the lending library. The due date will be visible on the front of the item. Photocopies or facsimiles of journal articles are yours to keep.

Q. Can I renew an item?
A. Yes, but it is up to the lender to approve or deny said request. You will be emailed of their decision once the request is processed.

Q. How much does this service cost?
A. Nothing! ILL is a free service UNLESS you damage or lose an item.

Q. What if I have more questions?
A. Email us at