Instructional Services Program

Librarians at Berry are happy to provide instruction for you and your students in the use of research resources. Our instruction program is centered around three main components: BCC Library OrientationRHW 102, and Course-Specific Instruction.


Our goal is to provide the students with a general overview of the library with a focus on navigating the physical and electronic resources available to them here at Berry. This orientation is limited to incoming freshmen and transfer students.

RHW 102

We work closely with the RHW faculty to introduce the students to the nuances of scholarly research. In this course, they learn about how to locate and cite scholarly resources, how to select the most appropriate sources for their research, and how to critically evaluate the sources that they find during their research.


For all other instruction, we work closely to tailor our Course-Specific instruction to the needs of our faculty. From introducing students to discipline-specific literature to in-depth research projects, our librarians can provide instruction sessions that address your goals for their information needs.

Requests are honored on a first-come, first-serve basis, and should be made at least three weeks prior to the presentation to give librarians enough time to develop appropriate instructional materials. Students are more receptive to a serious presentation on information resources if it is scheduled to coincide with their time of need, i.e., the point in the semester at which they actually begin work on the assignment requiring research.


Use the Schedule Library Instruction Form

For additional information on Memorial Library's instructional services program, contact:

Jeremy Worsham 
Berry College Memorial Library 
Mount Berry, GA 30149 
Phone: 706-368-6707       