Circulation Policy - Students

All enrolled students can install and use the meeScan app for self-checkout or present their Berry Student ID at the Library Service Desk.

**Students are responsible for any materials borrowed and for any fees assessed as a result of overdue, lost or damaged items.



  • Books Loan Period - 4 weeks (2 renewals)
  • Media, Government Document, New/Popular Titles Loan Period - 4 weeks (no renewals) 
  • Reference Materials and Periodicals - 1 week (no renewals) 


  • Loan Period - 2 or 24 hours (determined by the instructor)
  • Overdue Fines - $1.00 per hour
  • Lost Item Replacement Fee - $50.00 default or price of the item
  • Lost Item Processing Fee - $5.00
  • Laptop Computer Replacement Fee - Full Cost of Item


  • Loan periods for Lending Technology vary depending on the item borrowed. 
  • All patrons must complete a Technology Lending Agreement at the Library Service Desk once per academic year before borrowing any technology item.
  • Patron is financially responsible for the full replacement cost of any technology item that is lost or damaged beyond repair while checked out on their account.
  • Significant fees of up to $10.00 the first day and $5.00 each additional day will accrue on overdue Lending Technology.
  • Patrons with excessive overdue fees will not be permitted to check out lending technology until payment has been made.
  • No holds are allowed on technology items.