Circulation Policies - Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff can install and use the meeScan app for self-checkout or present their Berry ID at the Library Service Desk.

**The borrower is responsible for any materials borrowed and for any fees assessed as a result of overdue, lost or damaged items.

Student workers checking out materials on behalf of faculty/staff must present the faculty/staff ID or provide verbal or written verification of the faculty/staff member’s name AND ID number. Faculty/Staff may email the Access Services Coordinator authorizing specific students to check out library materials on their behalf PRIOR to any transaction.



  • Book Loan Period - Academic Year (Faculty); 4 weeks (Staff)
  • Media, Government Publications, New Titles Loan Period - 4 weeks
  • Reference Materials and Periodicals - 1 week (no renewals) 


  • Loan periods for Lending Technology vary depending on the item borrowed.
  • All patrons must complete a Technology Lending Agreement at the Library Service Desk once per academic year before borrowing any technology item.
  • Patron is financially responsible for the full replacement cost of any technology item that is lost or damaged beyond repair while checked out on their account.
  • Significant fees of up to $10.00 the first day and $5.00 each additional day will accrue on overdue Lending Technology.
  • Patrons with excessive overdue fees will not be permitted to check out lending technology until payment has been made.
  • No holds are allowed on technology items.


  • Photocopies B/W - 10 cents per page
  • Photocopies Color - 25 cents per page

Please note: Interdepartmental charges are available for these additional services. You must know your departmental charge number and proper paperwork must be completed at the Library Service Desk to ensure the accuracy of these records. Personal copies/printing are the responsibility of the faculty member.