Learn It Well

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Own your education through four distinctive years of connected learning experiences — guided by faculty, staff and peers who understand your personal, academic and professional goals.

Launch Through time management and reflection, find your footing as you explore campus and set goals.
Design Apply what you’ve learned to focus on academics and professional development tailored to your interests.
Immerse Test your direction by digging into mentored research, internships, study abroad or community-based projects.
Connect Fit together the pieces and shape your unique story — so you’ll navigate the world with purpose.
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Wesley Romero from internship to job offer

Wesley Romero — From Internship to Job Offer

Class of 2024
LifeWorks Position: Student Manager of President's Office
Major: Accounting

Accepted a position with Georgia-Pacific following his summer internship — 8 months before graduation. Wesley attributes his career success to involvement, networking and his LifeWorks job at Berry.

Learn More about Wesley's Journey

Knowledge Deepened by Experience

Research with Faculty

Berry students work alongside faculty mentors — exploring their interests, gaining intrinsic knowledge around core areas of their academic studies and contributing in a way that better prepares them for their future. At Berry, Hunter Perez received a research grant to do just that. 

Hunter's Story

Student Achievement

Known for a sense of purpose, work ethic and habits of mind, Berry graduates hold a distinct advantage in their professional lives. Hannah Blanton, recipient of the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship, illustrates this wholeheartedly as she pursues a Ph.D. in microbiology.

Hannah's Story

Our Living Laboratory

The world’s largest campus — with distinct environments and ecosystems — supports unique work-based learning and research opportunities. Alexis Wheatley found the Berry campus and surrounding waterways brimming with opportunities to learn and grow.

Alexis' Story

Better Than 1,000 Words

With inspiring architecture, cutting-edge facilities and nearly twice the acreage of Manhattan, our campus is the perfect backdrop for a Berry education. Come sharpen your mind, prepare for your career and pursue your interests with ample space and endless possibilities.